Positioning pages correctly

For your DVI output to appear in precisely the right location on the paper, the TEX origin must be exactly one inch in from the top and left paper edges. Page 2 in nasty.dvi contains a thick rule with its top left corner exactly at the TEX origin. If the output from a non-PostScript printer shows a significant discrepancy then adjust the horizontal_offset and/or vertical_offset in the Default config file to shift the origin to the correct position. These offset parameters are not used by dvips, so to adjust the origin for a PostScript printer you could add a line containing something like ``O 3mm,-2mm'' to the config.ps file in :DVIPS:Inputs:. If your printer is set up for US Letter paper then before adjusting the offsets you should first change the Default file's paper_width to 8.5in and the paper_height to 11in. Note that the current paper dimensions are passed on to dvips. If you use more than one printer then you will probably need a separate configuration file for each printer. You might also need to create a separate configuration file for landscape printing.